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Hello World! First blog post.

November 23, 2024

Welcome to my blog!

Hope you are doing well! 😉

Let's talk about my blog section. Here in this blog page I can add the normal MarkDown text and also I can add the custome HTML code, JSX components which will be rendered in the browser.

Let's explore each of them!

- HTML code example:

I'll be rendering the following HTML code:

<p>Make sure to checkout <a href="/projects" style={{color:"#9694FF"}}>Projects here</a>!</p>

The above code outputs:

Make sure to checkout Projects here!

  • Also we can include TailwindCSS utilities to style the HTML elements.

- Now let's render a JSX component:

  • Following is a simple counter created using JSX:


You can actually interact with it! By clicking + and - buttons you can increase or decrease the count respectively.

  • Also we can embed YouTube video using custom YouTubeEmbed Component!

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Omakar Bhosale
Fullstack Developer